Digital Legacy Conference

This year, the Digital Legacy Conference (#DLC2024) will take place as part of the Public Health Palliative Care International Conference 2024 (#PHPCI2024). The Digital Legacy Conference is a not for profit conference organised by the Digital Legacy Association.

Digital Legacy Conference attendees will learn about emerging best practices in areas relating to digital assets planning and digital legacy safeguarding.  The conference is free to attend for all PHPCI badge-holders. 

What to expect

The Digital Legacy Conference examines society’s attitudes and behaviours in relation to technology, end of life planning, death and bereavement. The Digital Legacy Conference’s goal is to empower palliative and wider, end of life professionals to better understand this emerging space and enable new ways of working.

Societal Change

Compassionate, person centred care now needs to be delivered to society both in person and through technological platforms. Societal needs are changing and it’s the responsibility of professionals to learn, adapt practice and up skill when it is relevant to do so.

This year’s conference will take place as part of Public Health Palliative Care International Conference (PHPCI) in Bern, Switzerland on Friday 25 October 2024. Doors at the Le Cap – Room «Nicolas Manuel» will open at 1:30 PM concluding at 5:00. PM The conference does not clash with any scheduled PHPCI talks. PHPCI attendees are welcome to eat lunch (provided by PHPCI) in the conference room. Background music will be played.




13:50: Welcome message from the Digital Legacy Association

This year’s MC’s are James Norris (The Digital Legacy Association & MyWishes) and Cale Bole (a digital thanatosensitivity (the design of products that anticipate the eventual death of the user) researcher and Masters student

14:00: Understanding the use of digital technologies in public health palliative care

  • Dr Jason Mills is an Associate Professor at the Flinders University Research Centre for Palliative Care, Death and Dying. He holds fellowships with the Royal Society for Public Health, Higher Education Academy, and is Editor-in-Chief for the international journal Progress in Palliative Care
  • Professor Shyla Mills is the CEO at Palliative Care South Australia (PCSA)

14:25 Public Health approaches to Digital Assets, Digital Legacy and Digital Bereavement

  • James Norris, Founder of The Digital Legacy Association & MyWishes. Digital Research Fellow at Harlington Hospice & Design Research Fellow at the Velindre Cancer Centre.

14:50 Meta and Facebook’s approaches to memorialisation

  • Emilar Gandhi, Head of Stakeholder Engagement for Policy Development within Meta’s Trust and Safety Policy

15:15 Opportunities and Risks of the Digital Afterlife: results from a comprehensive Swiss Technology Assessment Study

  • Jean-Daniel Strub: Dr. of theology; independent ethics researcher and consultant; clinical ethicist
  • Dr. Ralf J. Jox: Professor of biomedical ethics, neurologist and palliative care specialist at the University of Lausanne (Chair of Palliative Geriatric Care/University Hospital Lausanne)
  • Dr. Francesca Bosisio: professor of management and public health; specialist in advance care planning and advance directives

15:40 Navigating Digital Remains: Ethical Challenges and Cultural Perspectives from Japan

  • Professor Akiko Orita, Japanese scholar based in Japan, holds a Ph.D. from Keio University and has served as faculty at Chuo University, Keio University, and Kennesaw State University. She is currently a Professor at Kanto Gakuin University. Her research focuses on privacy, digital identity, and the ethical handling of data after death

16:05 Importance of Digital Inheritance During Natural Disasters

  • İlayda Yılmaz Murat, PhD Candidate at Bilkent University Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences. She completed her LL.M. degree with the Master’s Thesis titled “Digital Inheritance”. She studies in the field of Civil Law.

16:30 Governance of the Digital Afterlife

  • Khadiza Laskor, PhD Student at the University of Bristol’s Cyber Security Centre for Doctoral Training Programme

16:55 Closing remarks

17:00 close

17:00 onwards (Meet-up, Food and Drink)